Monday 26 November 2007

malaria and hinduism

there's malaria in goa, and also in the north-east of india. the north west and centre are relatively malaria-free. nice one.

i still have to take the tablets from the day or two before i head to goa, to 28 days after i leave the north-east. i've been a bit worried about taking these tablets as some can have worrying side effects. these ones make me more susceptible to sunlight which might mess up the plans for tannage. if there is any tannage to be had that is - hopefully goa won't let me down.

had some more jabs today, and now i'm eating too much hummous before curling up and reading about hinduism. it looks nuts, i think i'll like it

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Remember not to get the cheap version of the malaria pills. I've forgotten the name though. But it can have psychological side effect at some people. It started with L... and something.