i had some yoga and reiki in kochi which was nice. one thing the chappie said after he sorted out my shoulder issues (bloody hard beds grrr...) was that i was bad at making decisions, and that i should try to make more decisions without umming and aahing too much. so while i was getting a haircut i decided to go to singapore earlier than planned and have a mooch around.

so here i am :D i got on the same flight as becky which was nice. our rikshaw ride to the airport was rather an ordeal - we broke down a couple of times, they tried to get us to buy their petrol, and the "one hour one hour only" turned into 90 odd minutes. we were then refused entry to the airport as becky's ticket had the wrong date on it (she was due to fly a few days before but ended up staying in kochi) so we had a bit of a palaver trying to get her a new ticket for our ticketless airline, and then after checking in we saw our flight was delayed until 3am... 4 hours away.... we did alright out of it to be honest, a few 50p heinekens from duty free, comfy chairs, my blanket and a bag of mini twixes and we were sorted.

we landed in singapore yesterday morning and headed to little india which is where most of the backpackers are, found a hostel after traipsing a while and trying a couple which were full and then went for a beer to calm ourselves and to make decisions about where to stay for the remainder of the singapore stay and so on. we went to a pretty obviously backpacker-y pub / hostel called the prince of wales and bumped into pete and anna, 2 people we had seen a couple of times at kochi airport having issues at customs (they arrived in india using a land border which seemed to confuse the hell out of the airport staff) and we had also bumped into them a couple of times on the way from the airport. we sat and had a bit of a session that lasted into the wee hours, had plenty of

laughs, saw a singaporean jazz band, had some awful burgers and chatted to a few other travellers (mainly about india..) pete and anna are just lovely, they are on a 12 month trip, 5 months in, and had done russia, mongolia, china, nepal and india. they're heading to vietnam next and i am incredibly jealous! it was weird actually, as we would talk to everyone we could find about our experiences in india and at various points in the conversation people would say "so you didn't like it then?" and we'd look a bit confused and realise that most of our experiences and memories of india were usually associated with frustration, hassle, shock and so on... we of course all said "no way man we loved it - totally going back again!"

singapore is cool, very clean, very modern, flashy and there is a lot of flesh on show! the current fashion for the women seems to be to see how short shorts can be and after the modesty of india it has been a bit of a shock. to be honest it has been a bit of a surreal couple of days, kind of a reverse culture shock of sorts. the traffic is so quiet, the streets are spotless, and we haven't been hassled once. today was lovely, walking along orchard road doing some shopping and generally wandering around looking at stuff. i'm pretty chilled out at the moment, i've found some lovely people to hang out with for a few days and it's all good. shame it's quite rainy though :(
1 comment:
I see you're having some fun at last. You don't know how glad I am. I was reading your previous posts and I was getting a bit worried. Especially when you mentioned you were considering a flight back to Manchester.
Keep having fun, dear.
After all, this is a trip that will last you a lifetime ^^
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