Thursday, 19 June 2008

Thought it was time I dropped you an update, lots of things have happened since I got back from India!
So... I got back in April, and promptly got the trots. 3 and a half months of fresh food (mostly vegetables) must have turned my belly into a food snob because as soon as I started eating food laced with preservatives and crap back here I was iller than I had been at any stage in my trip! I was the best (the very best) man at my best buddy's wedding about a week after I got back which was sweet, despite me almost bloody crying halfway through my speech (the less said about that the better eh?) and I also finally met the girl I had been stalking on Facebook while I was away. She's now my official licensed and bonded girlfriend (I'm running out of valium though so how long that will last I don't know!) and things are going fantastically well... more on that later :D
After the wedding I went back up to Manchester to stay with Kev for a couple of weeks while I figured out what I was going to do with my life. With my compensation money dwindling fast i needed to get a job and be a grown-up again. I had kind of made the decision while I was away to come back home to Derbyshire and settle down, and hanging around with my old friends and being near my family for the 2 weeks running up to the wedding had re-enforced that decision. So I headed home and moved in with my old mate Jamie and his 2 cats, Dallas and Ramirez, in their little house in a village called Leabrooks only 5 minutes away from my bestest best friend Andy.
I started the job hunt pretty much straight away, and found nothing. There was absolutely nothing about in finance, it was so bad that I interviewed for a couple of jobs as a Recruitment Consultant, but thankfully I seem to have left that part of my life far behind as I didn't get offered the jobs. Thank God. I even went as far as to go to the local factories looking for work, only to be told that they were only taking on Polish people which annoyed the tits off me. So I swallowed my pride and went to the Jobcentre to sign on. My days consisted of waking up and making Amanda a brew before she went to work, then settling down with the laptop and Jeremy Kyle to trawl the internet job boards. I must have applied for 100 or more jobs each week with absolutely no success whatsoever.
It's lush being so close to my family and old schoolfriends though, I've seen my beautiful little nieces more in the last month than I have since they were born!
So yeah, at the moment I'm living with Jamie, Dallas and Ramirez which is pretty sweet, though I'll be moving out soon as Amanda's asked me to move in with her. Though when this will happen I don't really know as we seem to be booked up every weekend for the foreseeable. Life's starting to make sense for the first time in ages and it rocks.
Kev, I hope you like the capital letters!